Sunday, 25 May 2008


This is Russell my latest bear who is 3.5". He is made from a lovely long pile fabric in a butterscotch colour, he has Yellow ultra suede foot pads with pulled toes. I have scissor and needle sculpted his tiny face and added some shading, his eyes are tiny onyx beads and i have accented them with a white stitch.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Busy busy busy

I am busy creating special bears for Hugglets in London on Sunday 14th Septeber 2008.
This will be my first time at Hugglets. If anyone who reads this is going then please do come and say hi, i would love to meet you :o)
I will also try and put a bear on my website and ebay from time to time.
Oh how i wish there was more hours in the day lol